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Travel Insurance Benefits

Secondary Insurance Coverage

Secondary Insurance Coverage
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Definition: Secondary insurance coverage refers to priority of payment when you file a claim. If you purchase a travel insurance plan with secondary emergency medical and dental benefits, that means you must first file a claim with your primary insurer to determine how much, if anything, they will pay. After that, your travel insurance plan provider can pay the difference (as described in your plan). Remember that travel insurance offers emergency medical and dental benefits, not health insurance.

To find out if your travel insurance plan includes secondary emergency medical and dental benefits, read your policy documents and contact Allianz Global Assistance with any questions.

Example: On a family vacation in Myrtle Beach over the Fourth of July, your rowdy cousin sets off some fireworks. A poorly aimed Roman candle strikes you in the eye, sending you to the emergency room. Your medical bill totals $10,000 — who pays?

You purchased travel insurance for your vacation which includes secondary emergency medical and dental benefits. This means your primary health insurance provider would be the first to pay for your medical care. In this case, after your deductible, your health insurance pays $8,000. You could then file a claim with your travel insurance provider for the remaining $2,000.

Available in: AllTrips Basic, AllTrips Prime, AllTrips Executive, and AllTrips Premier.

Further Reading

See All Travel Insurance Benefits >>

Sep 18, 2019